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3 types of drivers that pose a threat to NC pedestrians

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Not every person who uses roads does so behind the safety of a car wheel. Pedestrians and bicyclists also share the roads, and they have a right to do so safely. Unfortunately, their lives can be put in serious danger when there is a negligent, reckless driver who fails to take seriously their responsibility to watch out for others.

Sadly, tens of thousands of pedestrians are hurt in crashes every year in the U.S., according to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Association. In this post, we will look at the three types of drivers who often put pedestrians and cyclists in danger.

  1. Drunk drivers: A drunk driver can suffer visual impairment and delayed reaction time. These elements can make it incredibly difficult for them to see smaller objects, like people crossing a street, and take swift measures to avoid hitting them.
  2. Distracted drivers: If a driver is looking at a phone, messing with a GPS device or paying more attention to passengers than the road, he or she can wind up missing critical visual cues like crosswalks, and they may not notice a bicyclists on the road next to them.
  3. Dangerous drivers: Drivers who speed, turn without checking for foot traffic and swerve in and out of lanes can be unpredictable and reckless. They can more easily lose control of a vehicle and wind up crashing into others, including pedestrians.

These types of drivers put everyone on the road in danger. However, because pedestrians and bicyclists have little, if anything, protecting them in the event of a crash, they can more easily be catastrophically injured or killed.

If a driver exhibiting the above-mentioned behaviors has struck you or a loved one in a crash, then you may be eligible to collect compensation for the damages suffered. To learn more about your legal options, it can be critical that you consult an attorney.