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What Is an FCE Test and Why It’s Important in North Carolina?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is a crucial test that helps to assess an individual’s physical ability to perform work-related tasks. It is administered by a licensed physical therapist and involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient’s physical capabilities and limitations.

In North Carolina, FCE tests are essential in ensuring employee safety and preventing workplace injuries. Employers require new hires to undergo FCE tests to ensure that they can perform job tasks safely and effectively. The FCE test provides objective data that helps to determine the employee’s physical fitness for the job, ensuring that they can perform essential job functions without the risk of injury or harm.

The FCE Test Process

An FCE test typically takes several hours to complete and involves various physical activities relevant to the patient’s job. During the test, a physical therapist asks the patient to perform tasks that simulate real-life job responsibilities. The therapist records the patient’s abilities, including:

  • Strength: Muscle strength is measured to determine the patient’s capacity for lifting, pulling, pushing, and other activities that require muscular power.
  • Aerobic Capacity: Cardiovascular activities such as walking and running on a treadmill are used to measure the patient’s ability to perform tasks that require endurance.
  • Range of Motion: A patient’s range of motion is assessed to determine their ability to perform activities that require flexibility and agility.
  • Coordination: The physical therapist may assess a patient’s coordination by asking them to perform activities that require accuracy and precision.

Additionally, the therapist may also evaluate the patient’s ability to perform fine motor tasks and coordinate movements, which are essential for many jobs.

The results of the FCE test provide valuable information that employers and healthcare providers can use to make informed decisions. For instance, if an employee is injured or ill, the FCE test results can determine whether the individual can return to work and perform their job duties safely and effectively. The FCE test results can also help healthcare providers design rehabilitation programs tailored to the patient’s specific needs, ensuring a safe and successful recovery.

What is an FCE Test and Why it's Important in North Carolina

Why Is FCE Important in North Carolina?

North Carolina has several laws and regulations in place to protect employees from workplace injuries. One such regulation is the Workers’ Compensation Act, which requires employers to provide workers’ compensation benefits to employees who suffer job-related injuries. To qualify for these benefits, employees must prove that their job caused their injury and that they are unable to work due to the injury.

FCE tests play a critical role in the workers’ compensation process. When an employee is injured on the job, their healthcare provider will conduct an FCE test to determine their injury’s extent and ability to return to work. The results of the test are used to determine the employee’s eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits and to develop a rehabilitation plan if needed.

Employers also use FCE tests to ensure that employees can perform their job duties safely. By requiring new hires to complete an FCE test, employers can ensure they are not putting themselves or their employees at risk of injury by improving their ability to predict and prevent workplace injuries.


Q: What Is the Purpose of FCE?

A: The purpose of an FCE is to evaluate an individual’s physical capabilities in relation to their job duties. The test is designed to determine if the individual can perform the essential functions of their job safely and effectively. The test results are used to make informed decisions about job duties, develop rehabilitation plans for injured employees, and assess eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits.

Q: What Happens If You Fail a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

A: If you fail an FCE, you are not physically capable of performing the essential functions of your job safely and effectively. In this case, your employer may need to modify your job duties or provide you with a different job that is more suitable for your physical capabilities. If you are injured on the job, the results of the FCE may also be used to determine your eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits.

Q: What Happens After Your FCE?

A: After your FCE, the results of the test will be used to make informed decisions about your job duties and eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits. If you are injured on the job, the results of the FCE may also be used to develop a rehabilitation plan that is tailored to your specific needs. If you can return to work, your employer may need to modify your job duties based on the results of the FCE. In addition to job duty modifications, the results of the FCE may also be used to determine whether you are eligible for workplace accommodations or assistive devices to help you perform your job more safely and efficiently. The physical therapist who conducted the FCE may provide recommendations for workplace modifications or accommodations based on the results of the test.

Q: Who Needs Functional Capacity Evaluation?

A: Anyone who is required to perform physical work-related tasks may need to undergo an FCE. This includes new hires, injured employees who are seeking workers’ compensation benefits, and employees who are returning to work after an injury or illness. FCEs are often required in industries that involve heavy lifting, repetitive motions, or other physically demanding tasks. In North Carolina, employers may require new hires to complete an FCE to ensure they are physically capable of performing their job duties safely and effectively.

Count on Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler

If you’ve been injured on the job and need assistance with the workers’ compensation process, look no further than the Charlotte workers’ compensation attorneys of Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler. Our experienced attorneys are well-versed in the importance of functional capacity evaluations and can help guide you through the process to ensure you receive the benefits you deserve.

With decades of combined experience, our attorneys have the knowledge needed to handle even the most complex workers’ compensation cases. We understand that workplace injuries can be life-changing, and we are committed to fighting for your rights to get the compensation you need to restore your quality of life. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.