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Charlotte North Carolina
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North Carolina man accused of killing family in violent crash

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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It is a long drive north from North Carolina to Toledo, Ohio. The area bordering Lake Erie is where an Asheboro man was recently accused of causing a motor vehicle accident that killed three family members and injured three other people in a crash a few miles east of Toledo. The 26-year-old…

Easing injured workers back into their jobs

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Employers are always eager to save money, but many are missing out on opportunities to do so, experts say. Employers who give injured workers light duties to help ease them back into their jobs after injuries can find their related costs reduced. They can save in workers’ compensation expenses and training, while…

Can I receive workers’ compensation for depression?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Workers’ compensation may seem like a common sense process to many. If you get injured and need compensation for your medical expenses and missed pay, you seek workers’ compensation. Many individuals every year deal with workplace accidents that take them away from their job either temporarily or permanently. But what…

Police: Drunk trucker slammed 18-wheeler into car, killed driver

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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A truck driver who is rolling through Charlotte on I-85 today might be pulling into Los Angeles in a couple of days and then dropping off a load in Chicago a few days after that. Truckers’ mobility is one of their most valuable assets. But that same mobility makes it…

OSHA workplace injury reporting rule rolled back

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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With all of the sound and fury in today’s political world, some noteworthy items get scant media attention. One of those items: a recent decision by Congress to undo a federal workplace injury reporting requirement that had been enacted late last year. The U.S. Senate and House passed a resolution…

Attack on Social Security Disability Insurance rebutted

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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WBTV has been beaming the CBS network’s offerings to Charlotte for decades. An important part of the programming has been the weekly discussion of important national issues, “Face the Nation.” A recent installment of the show featured Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, talking about matters important to…

Three injured in trio of three-vehicle highway wrecks

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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It’s just an hour and a half northwest of Charlotte to Morganton. The Burke County seat was the site of a trio of three-vehicle wrecks at about 6:30 in the morning last Tuesday. Three people were injured in the crashes on Interstate 40, a spokesperson with the North Carolina Highway Patrol said.…

Tips for preserving evidence after a car accident

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Being involved in a car accident can leave you feeling disoriented. If anyone has been injured, it is vital to get medical attention for them right away. But it is also important to preserve and gather evidence – particularly if you are filing an injury or property damage claim. The…

Living with disabilities in North Carolina

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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“Nobody is guaranteed complete mobility,” said a North Carolina resident recently when asked about living with disabilities. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 17 years ago. “Disability is something that could happen to anybody,” she adds. A recent article in an Asheville newspaper serves as an eye-opener for readers unaccustomed…

The issue of intentionality in workplace accidents

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Workers’ compensation is that insurance that deals with North Carolina work-related injuries in a no-fault context. The idea is that, once a workers’ compensation claim is made and resolved, the employee cannot allege the employer is to blame for what happened. This is what “exclusive remedy” means. What if the workplace…