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Charlotte North Carolina
Legal Blog

North Carolina workplace tragedies recalled

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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If you drive east of Charlotte for about four hours, you will come to the town of Kinston, North Carolina. Many will undoubtedly recall it as the site of an explosion at a pharmaceuticals plant back in early 2003. The violent blast was triggered by combustible dust. Six workers lost their…

Husband killed, wife injured in North Carolina truck crash

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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No one knows what he was thinking in his last moments, but we do know that he was with the woman he loved. The North Carolina State Highway Patrol says a 68-year-old man was in the passenger seat and his wife was in the driver’s seat when their vehicle was rammed…

Proposed North Carolina law would bar driving with pet on your lap

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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You have probably seen it as you are driving around Charlotte: a dog sitting on a driver’s lap. It might very well look like a cute way for a pet lover to get around town, but it could soon be a violation of state law. House Bill 73 was recently…

Lyme disease creates SSDI challenges

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Many regular readers of our North Carolina law blog will recall that the Centers for Disease Control, among others, has said that the risk of contracting Lyme disease is growing in here and in other southern states. The disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by a tick bite. Symptoms can…

Telecommuting and workers’ compensation

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Telecommuting is an industry term for “work from home.” Companies began experimenting with telecommuting as the Internet matured and enabled workers to access their work files from home. It was believed that telecommuting would be the future, companies could be composed of people from all over the world who collaborated…

How does Social Security work?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Social Security (or Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance) is the primary social safety net program in the United States. It provides benefits to retirees, people who are disabled and unable to work, and benefits to survivors whose primary breadwinners passed away (survivor benefits to children of deceased parents). The goal of…

Distracted truck driver caused fatal North Carolina highway wreck

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Survivors of that late October 2014 day wonder what the trucker was thinking that day. More important, they wonder what was distracting him as he drove his big rig on U.S. 52, about an hour and a half north of Charlotte. Though the truck driver hasn’t said what was distracting…

North Carolina pedestrian fatalities: How do they compare?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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With the exception of highways, everywhere there are cars you are bound to find pedestrians. In the event of an accident, those on foot can suffer much more severe injuries than those in vehicles. And all too often, pedestrian injuries can become fatal. An average of 13 people a day…

Report: Medical experts often disagree on disability evaluations

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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If you get any two people to look at identical situations, you might well get two opinions of what happened and why. It can be difficult to get the exact same descriptions of the exact same situation. That aspect of the human condition is present even when medical experts assess…

Does your carpal tunnel qualify for workers’ compensation?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Certain kinds of workplace injuries are relatively easy to claim. Injuries caused by machinery or a fall at work often include witnesses and a traumatic event that make your claim to workers’ compensation relatively easy to prove. In cases of acquired injuries or workplace illnesses, it can be harder to…