Automobile accidents happen every day. Unfortunately, too many of them end in fatalities. As you drive by these crashes, you may wonder what circumstances led to this tragedy. Was it a simple driver error? Or was careless or reckless behavior involved? The Auto Insurance Center, a car insurance information site,…
Let’s look some more at the recent report from the North Carolina Department of Labor and its mixed news for workers and workers’ families. Our state’s work-related injury and illness rate continues to drop. In 2015, the injury and illness rate fell to 2.6 per 100 full-time employees. That puts North Carolina…
The North Carolina Department of Labor reports that there were 48 work-related fatalities in the state in 2016. This preliminary data shows an uptick in fatal accidents compared to last year and the highest total since 2011. Falls and struck-by incidents account for the majority of these fatalities, 12 and…
First things first: an ABLE account is a way for people with disabilities (and their families) to save money. The income from an account is not taxed and does not decrease assistance from programs such as Social Security Disability. So are you or a loved one with a significant disability eligible…
The pain she struggles with every day is evident in her words. She says she cries herself to sleep every night because she misses her husband. The 66-year-old retired teacher was killed as he rode his bicycle on a road about 150 miles northeast of Charlotte. His widow recently spoke…
For people with type 2 diabetes and for those who are HIV-positive, food can be medicine. That is according to a new study published in the Journal of Urban Health. The study aimed to grow understanding of how nutrition impacts health. Researchers from UC San Francisco worked on the study…
If you drive north of Charlotte for about an hour and a half on I-77, you will come to the Commonwealth of Virginia. According to a recent article in the Observer, it might not be long before new distracted laws will be in force as you cross the state line.…
Workplace injuries cause pain in more than one way. There is the physical pain, of course, as well as the financial pain suffered when you have to miss work and paychecks. A recently released Workplace Safety Index lists the top 10 work-related injuries. The list will hopefully give employees and employers…
Social Security often compensates individuals who can no longer work as a result of a temporary or permanent disability. Disability is part of human life, and can arise from a work accident, auto accident, or any other injury. Many people spend a lot of their time building their careers and…
Social Security Disability Benefits are meant for individuals who are rendered redundant due to disabilities. Those who have been making regular Social Security contributions similarly qualify. SSD benefits provide you with adequate financial support if you get disabled and unable to support your family. The Social Security Administration has a…