The driver of a car ahead of an 18-wheeler was too slow at a red light to suit the trucker. So the truck driver swung his enormous vehicle around the car and into the intersection. Unfortunately, in the intersection the big rig slammed into the side of a school bus…
“Mythbusters” was a popular TV show for more than a decade. Its mission was to take on urban legends, commonly held beliefs and myths, and see how they held up to scientific scrutiny. Though the show ended a 13-year run last year, the desire many have to bust myths lives…
The Obama administration continues to cross things off its last-minute to-do list. One of the latest examples is that it agreed to pay $2.2 billion over 5 years to Marine veterans stationed at Camp Lejeune here in North Carolina. The reason is that they were exposed to dangerous amounts of…
Few people understand the effects of alcohol on the human mind and body more than a doctor. That is part of what makes the case of a North Carolina doctor so sad. The 72-year-old physician was allegedly drunk when he was in Louisiana and slammed his SUV into the back…
This is perhaps one of those things that doctors and laypeople alike understood before the research was done: people who are struggling with depression are going to be less responsive to chemotherapy and less tolerant of the side-effects of those drugs. While intuition and logic tell us that the statement…
January is National Soup Month, as well as National Oatmeal Month, National Hobby Month and National Slow Cooking Month. While those lighthearted observations might appeal to many of our North Carolina Law Blog readers, January takes a turn for the serious with a month-long effort to improve glaucoma awareness. You…
We don’t get a lot of snow in typical Charlotte winters, but as we have seen in recent days, ice and related winter conditions can cause serious driving problems in North Carolina. In order to help motorists avoid traffic accidents causing injuries, AAA has put together winter driving tips that apply…
The thought of getting into a car accident is terrifying, especially if you were to have loved ones in the car. Despite your best efforts to be a safe driver, others may not be driving as attentively or safely as you are. Any accident is an awful experience, but things…
When a product has a “Made in the U.S.A.” sticker on it, we know that workers in American factories gave their labor and time to bring the item to North Carolina stores and homes. We also know that inevitably some of those employees will suffer workplace injuries. That is an…
If you drive for about a half-hour northeast of Charlotte, you will come to Concord. That is where a tractor trailer accident took place on I-485 a few days ago. Law enforcement officials told a Charlotte TV station that fatigue was a factor in the crash. The driver of the big rig…