Thanksgiving and Black Friday are in the rearview mirror. That leaves the remainder of the holiday shopping season directly in front of us. For the thousands of Charlotte residents working in retail, it is a time of year in which the risk of work-related injuries is higher than normal. Many jobs in…
Back injuries, heart disease, hearing loss, depression, Parkinson’s, cancer, HIV, rheumatoid arthritis, liver disease and asthma. Those are simply some of the debilitating conditions that can qualify a person for Social Security Disability benefits. No matter which condition is preventing you from working, there is something out there preventing you from…
While North Carolina undoubtedly tops many “best of” lists, our state has a decidedly mixed record on driving, according to a recent analysis. The study by an insurance company shows that North Carolina ranks 12th in the nation for worst drivers. The statistical analysis included fatality rates, as well as…
The weight that rolled over a North Carolina man is the equivalent of six white rhinoceroses or, if you prefer, 5 Ford F-150s, one sperm whale or 10 Toyota Corollas. What actually rolled over him last summer was a 30,000-pound water truck. In the work accident, bones were broken, his pelvis…
The pattern is one for North Carolina employers and employees alike to celebrate. It’s the downward trend of workplace injuries and illnesses, continuing now in 12 out of the last 13 years, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says. In private industry, businesses reported approximately 2.9 million nonfatal injuries and illnesses…
With the drama and chaos of a presidential election dominating the news for months, a number of significant stories got little notice or were ignored entirely by the Charlotte media. With the votes counted and results announced, it is time to examine stories that were buried, including the good news…
Anyone who drives on Charlotte’s streets and highways knows that distracted driving is a growing problem. It sometimes seems as half of the drivers you see are calling the other half. Unfortunately, those drivers who are paying more attention to their phones than the streets, traffic signs and other vehicles…
In a recent post, we discussed a report, published by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) on October 12, 2016, which shows that teen drivers are 1.6 times as likely to be involved in a fatal motor vehicle accident. The report discusses a number of factors that contribute to this increased…
Was your claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) denied? This isn’t the time to give up, although many people do. Instead, you have the right to appeal this decision and ask for a second look at your case. After your disability claim is denied,…
A report by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics shows a decline in occupational injuries and illnesses reported to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 2015, a trend that has continued for the past 13 years. This doesn’t mean, however, that employers should ease up on safety initiatives.…