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SSR 85-28

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Social Security Ruling 85-28 states that medical evidence must clearly establish an individual’s impairment(s) considered in combination, is not medically severe before the case can be denied at the initial stages. Although often unhelpful in some respects, the assessments by consultative examiners hired by the Social Security Administration can be…

3 types of damages you may receive after a car crash

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Serious motor vehicle accidents can leave victims with severe injuries, life-long injuries and even fatal injuries. Even though these collisions typically last no more than a few seconds, the ramifications linger on long afterward. In this time after an accident, victims and their families often struggle with the enormous amount…

SSR 05-02

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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According to Social Security Ruling 96-3p, impairment is considered severe if it “significantly limits an individual’s physical or mental abilities to do basic work activities.” Under the same Guidelines, “an impairment that is ‘not severe’ might be a slight abnormality (or a combination of slight abnormalities) that has no more…

Legal guidance crucial in presenting medical evidence

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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If you are suffering from a mental or physical condition that is severe enough to disrupt your ability to care for yourself and do the things you used to do, then your medical issues are undoubtedly among your top concerns at any given time. Now, you and your doctors may…

Unsuccessful Work Attempt

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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According to the unsuccessful work attempt rule, employment activity does not demonstrate an ability to engage in substantial gainful activity if, after working no more than six months, an individual either stops work or reduces it below substantial gainful activity level for reasons related to his/her mental and physical impairments.…

Relief from pain in the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation System

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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What happens if you have healed from your workers compensation injury, but you still have severe pain? Say for instance you fell from a ladder and tore your ACL. After surgery and weeks of physical therapy, you are nearly healed, but you still have severe pain that keeps you from…

SSR 83-34

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Social Security Ruling 83-34 states that self-employment will be considered substantial gainful activity if the individual renders significant services to or receives a substantial income from the business. It is important to provide detailed information about self-employment activities to your attorney so that this can be fully evaluated.

Can I keep working while collecting disability?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Being mentally or physically disabled can dramatically change a person’s life. They may no longer be able to do things like drive, take care of themselves or engage in activities they used to enjoy. Considering all the ways a person’s life can change in the wake of a disabling condition,…

SSR 83-33

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Social Security Ruling 83-33 states that for work to be considered substantial gainful activity it must meet one of three tests. The first test focuses on accountable earnings. It is often possible that out of pocket medical care can be deducted in many situations from accountable earnings. The second and…

Pay attention: April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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While every driver is encouraged to stay alert and put their phone away whenever they are behind the wheel, the tragic fact is that this doesn’t always happen. Whenever we get on the road and look at the drivers around us, it doesn’t take long before we spot someone looking…