While every driver is encouraged to stay alert and put their phone away whenever they are behind the wheel, the tragic fact is that this doesn’t always happen. Whenever we get on the road and look at the drivers around us, it doesn’t take long before we spot someone looking…
In many situations, use of prescribed pain medication may significantly diminish an individual’s pain; however, it may also result in adverse side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness or disorientation that make it difficult for an individual to function. If this is the situation you face it is essential that your…
When you get up to go to work in the morning, you might need a caffeine boost or a little extra time to wake yourself up. This is not all that uncommon, but if you find that you are sleepy throughout the day most days, you could be suffering from…
When a physician checks your spine this should include a detailed description of gait (how you walk), range of motion of the spine, straight leg raising test from the sitting and lying down position, motor and sensory abnormalities, muscle spasms and deep tendon reflexes. Please be aware that a physician…
Drivers in North Carolina share the roads with commercial vehicles every day. For the most part, we might not even notice them unless we get stuck behind one or see a huge truck merging onto the highway next to us. But in the event of an accident, tractor trailers have…
Suffering a disabling injury or illness can change your entire life. On top of the ongoing pain and medical treatments you may have to endure, you can lose your ability to work and take care of yourself; your loved ones may have to take on added responsibilities and you can…
The Social Security Administration puts great reliance on so-called “objective” evidence of conditions that justify the functional limitations needed to prove a disability case. In the area of musculoskeletal impairments, this includes findings on x-ray imaging, computerized axial tomography (CAT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scans), with or without…
If you are a homeowner, you may be somewhat familiar with asbestos, a toxic fiber that is found in many different materials that can often be found in buildings built before the 1980s. However, workers in many different industries also need to be familiar with asbestos because it has put…
Motor vehicle accidents in North Carolina occur for a variety of reasons. Some are the result of adverse weather conditions while others are the fault of drunk drivers. Which causes are most commonly pinpointed as causes for motor vehicle accidents in the state? According to accident statistics released by the…
Pain is common and important factor contributing to functional loss and proof of a disability case. If pain affects an individual’s ability to perform basic work activities it must be considered by the Social Security Administration if it is supported by medical evidence of a condition that could be reasonably…