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Who Determines Fault in a Motor Vehicle Accident in North Carolina?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Motor vehicle accidents are an expensive problem. Even just a slight fender bender is going to leave a driver with a number of bills to pay on their vehicle repairs. More serious accidents can cause significant physical injuries as well, which will incur expenses like medical bills, lost wages, and…

Is North Carolina a No-Fault State for Accidents?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Fault in a car accident generally refers to who is liable in a car accident claim. In a “no-fault” state, this means that neither driver is going to be considered at fault for an accident and will typically end up collecting compensation from their own insurance for their injuries and…

Which Pedestrian Groups Are at Greatest Risk of Accident?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Pedestrian accidents can cause significant harm to those involved. Given the damage that can be caused, it’s critical that proper steps are taken to protect those who are most vulnerable and likely to end up in an accident. However, no matter who is in the accident, there are likely to…

Does Surgery Increase Your Workers’ Compensation Settlement in North Carolina?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Workers’ compensation insurance protects employers from civil liability for their injured employees’ damages, and it provides financial relief to injured employees that can help them recover and return to work. Some workplace injuries are more damaging than others, and it is possible for an injured employee to require extensive medical…

How Long Do You Have to Sue for Medical Malpractice in North Carolina?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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The term “medical malpractice” defines any failure of a medical professional to meet their patient’s standard of care that results in harm to the patient. It is possible for any type of medical malpractice to leave lasting effects on the victim and impose various economic problems on their family. An…

How Long Do You Have to Sue a Hospital for Negligence in North Carolina?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Thousands of residents trust hospitals and various medical professionals to provide safe and effective treatment for their illnesses and injuries, but unfortunately, many of these patients experience various harmful effects from negligence in healthcare settings. North Carolina medical negligence can easily lead to complex legal proceedings, and injured victims need…

Does North Carolina Have a Medical Malpractice Cap?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Medical malpractice occurs whenever a healthcare professional harms their patient through negligence and a failure to meet the patient’s standard of care. If you have been harmed by a healthcare professional’s negligence, a North Carolina medical malpractice attorney is the ideal resource to consult to determine your options for legal…

What Does ERISA Prohibit?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) exists to provide legal protection for employees and their employer-provided healthcare and retirement benefits. When you have any type of benefits plan through your employer, it is likely covered by ERISA. In North Carolina, ERISA applies to almost every employer in the state,…

What Is Covered Under ERISA?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) became law in 1974 with the goal of preventing employers in the United States from misusing or misappropriating employee benefits plans. ERISA also provides various avenues of legal recourse for any employee who has been subjected to any such mistreatment, allowing them to…

What to Do if You Haven’t Received Your Workers’ Comp Check Yet

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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An injury at work can be a life-changing experience for the victim, and it is natural for any injured worker to have many pressing legal questions with respect to their recovery options. In North Carolina, workers’ compensation insurance is a requirement for almost every employer in the state, and while…