Earlier this year, three workers were killed and one was seriously injured when scaffolding fell during the construction of a high-rise building in downtown Raleigh. The North Carolina Department of Labor recently fined three of the companies that were involved in that construction project. The highest fine went to a…
Under the Title II social security disability program for people who have worked and paid into the social security system, there are provisions for a trial work period after approval of benefits in which you can work for nine months and still receive your SSD check. There is also a…
Under Social Security Ruling 96-9p in order to perform a full range of sedentary work activity, an individual must be able to walk and stand for a total of more than 2 hours out of 8 hour work day, stoop on an occasional basis and lift 10 pounds. The ability…
Construction workers in North Carolina face many dangers, including the risk of falling from a high place. Workers’ compensation is in place to protect you in these cases, and to ensure that you are financially covered while you recover. Due to the complexity of the laws involves, sometimes legal representation…
When the economy is down and unemployment is up, many people are just glad to have work, whether as an employee or an independent contractor. Having an income is the goal, right? True, but when an employer misclassifies a worker as an independent contractor, the repercussions can have negative consequences…
In most cases, an employee who suffers a work-related injury or illness is entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. The benefits include payment for time taken off of work and compensation for medical bills. Essentially, the purpose of workers’ compensation laws is to provide a safety net for employees who…
A comprehensive residual functional capacity involves both exertional and non-exertional factors. Exertional capacity has to do with the seven strength demands: Sitting, standing, walking, lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling, all of which must be evaluated. Non-exertional factors include: Understand, carry out and remember instructions, use judgement in making work-related decision,…
If you are suffer a workplace injury, it is comforting to know that North Carolina workers’ compensation will pay your medical expenses and lost wages while you are out of work. If your doctor recommends rehabilitation, that would also be covered under workers’ compensation. There are steps that you must…
One of the most important decisions made in a social security disability case relates to what is your remaining residual functional capacity from both a physical and mental standpoint. Most doctor and hospital records focus on diagnosis and treatment. Social Security Administration is interested in what practical limitations are imposed…
When an employer considers whether to pay a workers’ compensation claim, three factors that come into play are: (1) was the injury or illness work-related?; (2) did it happen during the course of business?; and (3) did the employee contribute to it through some of his or her own behavior…