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Charlotte North Carolina
Legal Blog

Mecklenburg County had most workplace deaths in state in 2014

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Almost every day the news includes stories about the workforce such as unemployment numbers and attempts to raise the minimum wage. Some of these stories may include the number of workers who are injured and even die due to workplace conditions. Unfortunately, Mecklenburg County is at the top of the…

How does OSHA determine if a worker injury is work-related?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Media outlets in Charlotte and other communities throughout North Carolina can be counted upon to report on a scaffolding fall, trench collapse or similar industrial accidents in which a worker injury occurs. Under such circumstances, there is little doubt that the injury was work-related, but classifying injuries as being caused by…

Getting Ready for Your Social Security Disability Hearing – Part III

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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It is not necessary for you to dress up for the hearing. The Judge needs to see you as you normally appear. This is an opportunity for you to describe your problems, not try to make a temporary good impression that doesn’t accurately reflect your daily life. Dress simply and…

Getting Ready for Your Social Security Disability Hearing – Part II

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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During the course of your claim the medications prescribed by your doctors always change. When you receive the hearing notice, it is always a good idea to notify your attorney of your current treatment regimen. In addition, the side effects caused by your medication can have a significant impact on…

Death benefits under North Carolina workers’ compensation

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Workers’ compensation benefits are intended to serve as a financial buffer to absorb part of the shock that families go through when a worker is injured on the job. In the best-case scenario, these benefits help to pay bills and medical expenses until the injured worker is well enough to…

What employers must provide workers’ compensation benefits?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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The system of workers’ compensation benefits in North Carolina represents a significant improvement over an alternative in which employees who are injured on the job would have to take their employers to court to seek compensation for their expenses related to medical treatment and other costs. So it should come…

Getting Ready for Your Social Security Disability Hearing – Part I

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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As soon as you receive a notice that your hearing has been scheduled, please contact your attorney immediately. This is necessary to ensure that up to date medical records and information is available to the Administrative Law Judge who will hear your case. It also gives a final opportunity to…

Post-Hearing Medical Examinations

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Occasionally, a Judge will have a question about the claimant’s medical status that comes up during the hearing, which he/she does not believe is properly addressed in the existing medical evidence. This will result in the scheduling of a post-hearing consultative examination paid for by the Social Security Administration. While…

Forklift accidents declining, but still injure and kill workers

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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The next time you drive your car, think about how often you see semi-trucks towing containers, box trucks or other commercial delivery vehicles sharing the road with you. Chances are you see them so often that you do not think about how prevalent they are in delivering the materials and…

Travel Expenses

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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If a claimant has to travel more than 75 miles one way to a hearing they can receive reimbursement for expenses. If travel expenses are requested, a form must be filled out and submitted to the Social Security Administration.