When an individual goes into work each day, particularly where manual labor is involved, it can be strenuous and grueling. It can at least be reassuring to know that after an injury workers’ compensation may alleviate some of your concerns, especially monetarily. If that support is taken away, it can be unsettling…
A social security disability hearing is different from other types of court proceedings. There is no jury, the cases are decided by administrative law judges who work for the federal government. There is also no lawyer present representing the government, which means the judge serves both those roles. The hearings…
Working at a construction site may be considered to be an inherently dangerous activity, and as we have noted on this blog before every year construction accidents in North Carolina take their toll of workers killed and injured on the job. Another construction worker has recently died in what his…
Being injured in an accident on the job can be traumatic in more than the physical sense. Time itself can seem to be disrupted: The accident itself seemed to happen so suddenly, yet the duration of your recovery may seem to take an eternity. You may find yourself feeling like…
Workplace safety is something that the government of North Carolina and many employers in this state go to considerable lengths to emphasize, and for good reason, Every year, no matter how careful businesses and industries try to be, a certain number of workers will die on the job. Both the North…
Since March 29, 1996, an individual may not be considered disabled if alcoholism or drug addiction is a contributing material factor to the determination of disability. This does not mean that alcoholics or drug addicts cannot be found disabled, just that it cannot be based upon alcoholism or drug addiction…
The procedure for filing a workers’ compensation claim in North Carolina is a series of events that require notifications, the filing of necessary standard forms and meeting certain time restrictions. This post reviews, in general, how the benefit claim process works. For an employee claiming an on-the-job injury, the first…
During the early stages of the social security disability application process, your medical records will be reviewed by doctors who have never seen you or examined you at a state agency. These physicians look over the medical records submitted and render opinions about whether or not you can engage in…
In certain cases, the medical evidence along with the claimant’s age, education and work experience, justify a request for an On The Record decision prior to appearing before the Administrative Law Judge. This is usually coordinated with one of the staff attorneys at the social security hearing office. Your attorney…
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration are investigating a fatal accident that took place in a new housing construction site in Waxhaw, North Carolina. The accident occurred when a flatbed truck was backing up. Apparently, a contract worker was on the flatbed portion of the truck and somehow fell off…