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North Carolina worker killed in construction accident

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Building construction work may be considered inherently dangerous. Workers are by the nature of their jobs exposed to large-scale mechanical equipment and vehicles, heavy and sometimes potentially hazardous materials, and must sometimes work high off the ground. Even though most construction companies are diligent in looking out for worker safety,…

North Carolina Industrial Commission: pro-business or pro-worker?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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As we have previously discussed, the North Carolina Senate committee’s recommendation of a conservative to take a seat on the Industrial Commission has raised questions and concerns among some. The Industrial Commission is a six-member board that makes decisions on workers’ compensation claims. The Industrial Commission hears all kinds of workers’ compensation…

The Importance of School Records in Social Security Disability Claims

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Especially in cases involving individuals with development disabilities, obtaining copies of school records is vital since this information supports the long standing nature and presence of at least part of the problems that prevent an individual from performing work activity. Most of these records are kept for a long period…

Disappearing Clients

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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It is not uncommon for social security disability claimants to disappear during the course of representation. They may move and forget to tell their attorney or become homeless and have to move about frequently. Also, some claimants with serious mental problems will forget to contact an attorney or be afraid…

The Importance of Psychiatric Records in Social Security Disability Claims

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Many Social Security disability cases are successful because of the presence of mental health evaluations and treatment. It is common for somebody with serious physical problems to experience a level of depression, and independent problems with anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc., have a significant impact on an individual’s ability to perform…

Workers’ compensation law may be amended in favor of victims

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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A work environment should be one that is safe and secure, where employees can simply focus on the tasks to which they are assigned. If your job is not a typical day at the office behind a desk, but it is physically demanding, your chances of being injured are arguably…

North Carolina workers’ compensation panel nominee sparks debate

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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If you have been involved in a workplace accident or you have been injured on the job, then the struggle to receive fair compensation for your injuries may be an uphill battle. The North Carolina state legislature is experiencing a blistering fight of its own over the governor’s controversial pick…

The Importance of Workers’ Compensation Records in Social Security Disability Claims

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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If one of the reasons why you are unable to work stems from a workers’ compensation injury, please make sure your attorney knows all the physicians you were sent to for evaluation and treatment. The only one concern that exists is that the doctors used by the workers’ compensation insurance…

The Importance of Insurance Company Medical Records in Social Security Disability Claims

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Claimants who are receiving long-term disability from an insurance company either from an individual policy or through an employer are required to obtain assessments from treating physicians indicating the severity of their impairments and affect upon the ability to work. In many such cases, these forms can be used with…

OSHA cites hummus processing plant after fatal workplace accident

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Hundreds and even thousands of workers in North Carolina and across the country are involved in workplace accidents each year. These accidents can often have catastrophic consequences, whether a worker is seriously injured or killed. Recently, a hummus processing plant was slapped with $540,000 in fines from the Occupational Safety…