Social Security Ruling 83-34 states that self-employment will be considered substantial gainful activity if the individual renders significant services to or receives a substantial income from the business. It is important to provide detailed information about self-employment activities to your attorney so that this can be fully evaluated.
Being mentally or physically disabled can dramatically change a person’s life. They may no longer be able to do things like drive, take care of themselves or engage in activities they used to enjoy. Considering all the ways a person’s life can change in the wake of a disabling condition,…
Social Security Ruling 83-33 states that for work to be considered substantial gainful activity it must meet one of three tests. The first test focuses on accountable earnings. It is often possible that out of pocket medical care can be deducted in many situations from accountable earnings. The second and…
In many situations, use of prescribed pain medication may significantly diminish an individual’s pain; however, it may also result in adverse side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness or disorientation that make it difficult for an individual to function. If this is the situation you face it is essential that your…
When a physician checks your spine this should include a detailed description of gait (how you walk), range of motion of the spine, straight leg raising test from the sitting and lying down position, motor and sensory abnormalities, muscle spasms and deep tendon reflexes. Please be aware that a physician…
Suffering a disabling injury or illness can change your entire life. On top of the ongoing pain and medical treatments you may have to endure, you can lose your ability to work and take care of yourself; your loved ones may have to take on added responsibilities and you can…
The Social Security Administration puts great reliance on so-called “objective” evidence of conditions that justify the functional limitations needed to prove a disability case. In the area of musculoskeletal impairments, this includes findings on x-ray imaging, computerized axial tomography (CAT scan) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scans), with or without…
Pain is common and important factor contributing to functional loss and proof of a disability case. If pain affects an individual’s ability to perform basic work activities it must be considered by the Social Security Administration if it is supported by medical evidence of a condition that could be reasonably…
There are several types of inflammatory arthritis conditions that can support a claim for disability. These include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and sarcoidosis. The Social Security Administration has specific guidelines for each of these conditions and a knowledgeable disability attorney can provide the information your physician needs to evaluate your condition…
The inability to use one or both hands to perform fine and gross movements can very seriously impact an individual’s ability to perform substantial work activity. To be able to use the upper extremities effectively, an individual must be able to reach, push, pull, grasp and finger. Difficulty in performing…