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Common Injuries Covered By Workers’ Compensation in Charlotte, NC

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Workers’ compensation insurance aims to protect both employers and their employees when workplace injuries happen. This insurance applies to most work-related injuries and illnesses, and it is important to know the common injuries covered by workers’ compensation in Charlotte, NC, so you know what to do if you suffer such an injury. An experienced attorney can be a valuable asset for filing your claim.

Common Injuries Covered By Workers’ Compensation in Charlotte, NC

Every year, thousands of workers in every industry suffer injuries at work. Workers’ compensation insurance exists to provide relief to these victims and to protect their employers so they can continue operating with confidence. Some of the most common injuries covered by workers’ compensation in Charlotte, NC, include:

  • Repetitive stress injuries. These injuries manifest gradually over time from repeated physical stress from performing the same job duties every day. For example, a worker required to lift and carry heavy objects may develop chronic back pain, or an office worker who types every day could develop carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Soft tissue injuries, such as strains and sprains. These injuries can happen from overexertion, slips and falls, and other unexpected incidents. While victims of soft tissue injuries usually recover with time and appropriate medical care, it is possible for some of these injuries to be quite debilitating, and some may even require surgical correction.
  • Vehicle accident injuries. It is possible for someone who drives for work to suffer injuries in a vehicle accident. Additionally, many workplaces require the use of specialized vehicles. For example, forklift accidents are a common cause of injuries in warehousing and shipping operations.
  • Acquired illnesses. It is possible for a worker to develop all types of illnesses from their work environment. For example, it is possible for a worker to develop mesothelioma if they are exposed to asbestos while working. Other workers face the risk of developing cancer and other serious diseases due to the nature of their job duties.
  • Injuries from traumatic accidents. It is possible for a traumatic accident to occur in virtually any workplace. Falls, crushing injuries, electrocutions, and other unexpected incidents can potentially cause life-changing harm to victims. As long as such an injury happened while the victim was working, they will qualify to file a workers’ compensation claim in North Carolina.

These are just a few of the most common injuries covered by workers’ comp in Charlotte, NC. If you are unsure whether you are eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim for your injury or if you are unsure whether your specific injury or illness qualifies for workers’ compensation benefits, it is important to consult an attorney quickly. They can help you determine your eligibility and guide you through the claim filing process.

It is also vital to remember that workers’ compensation functions on a no-fault basis, meaning it is not necessary to prove another party is at fault for your injury in order for you to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. In fact, it is possible for you to have caused your own injury and still qualify for benefits as long as you were working in good faith. An experienced attorney can review the details of your situation and help you determine the optimal path to recovery.


Q: Can You Be Disqualified From Workers’ Compensation in North Carolina?

A: Yes, it is possible for you to be disqualified from workers’ compensation in North Carolina under certain conditions. You can only file a claim if you can prove your illness or injury is entirely work-related and resulted from you performing your job duties. While it is possible to have caused your injury yourself and still qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you could be disqualified if you were intoxicated or if you intentionally violated safety regulations.

Q: What Benefits Can I Receive From Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

A: The benefits you can receive from workers’ compensation insurance will include medical expense coverage and disability benefits for the time you are unable to work while you recover. Workers’ compensation insurance will typically cover any immediate and future medical treatment costs resulting from the injury, and the disability benefits you will receive will depend on how much you usually earn at work and your remaining functional capacity.

Q: What Is a Functional Capacity Evaluation?

A: A functional capacity evaluation is a commonly required step in the workers’ compensation insurance claim filing process in North Carolina. Most insurance companies require injured claimants to undergo these evaluations to determine their eligibility for disability benefits. A doctor will review the claimant’s condition and assign a disability rating that reflects their remaining capacity to work. The higher the rating, the more benefits they can receive.

Q: Can I Receive Pain and Suffering Compensation From Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

A: No, you cannot receive compensation for pain and suffering from workers’ compensation insurance. However, if you have grounds to file a third-party personal injury suit against a specific party outside of your work responsible for causing the injury, you could seek compensation for any damages that workers’ compensation insurance will not cover. This includes compensation for physical pain and psychological suffering you have endured.

Q: Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer for a Workers’ Comp Claim in North Carolina?

A: You need to hire a lawyer for a workers’ comp claim in North Carolina if you want to have the greatest chance of success with your case. The right attorney can make the claim filing process much easier in several ways, and you will also be able to rely on them for legal representation if you have grounds to pursue additional avenues of recovery. It is always worth investing in legal counsel you trust for any work injury case in North Carolina.

Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler can help you make sense of the workers’ compensation claim filing process and assist you in recovering benefits after an injury at work. The common injuries covered by workers’ compensation in Charlotte, NC, are often life-changing, and our team will do everything we can to maximize your recovery. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about the legal services we provide.