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Follow these steps to claim workers’ compensation

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Workers’ compensation is there as a safety net for those who are employed. It helps provide compensation for medical bills and lost wages in the event of an injury on the job. Families even benefit from death benefits if a loved one suffers a fatal injury at work.

As a construction worker, you already know that accidents that happen in the workplace can be serious. You know that you do everything you can to prevent them, but that doesn’t mean your work is free of hazards.

1. Get medical help

The first thing you should do is get the medical care you need. When you’re hurt, you’re the priority. It’s vital that you go to a doctor quickly, no matter who it is. Usually, workers’ compensation covers the first visit to a doctor no matter where you go. After that, you may need to choose from a list, depending on your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance.

2. Reach out to your employer

Reach out to your employer next. You need to inform your employer that you were injured on the job. If you cannot do so, your attorney, a family member or other party may inform your employer for you. At that point, a claim form needs to be filled out and turned in for the claim to begin. Your employer should give you this form, but if not, you can seek one from the Workers’ Compensation system directly.

3. Create a written statement

You should write a quick statement that sums up what happened when you suffered the injury. Include the date and what happened on the document. Give this information to your employer. If you cannot write this because of your medical condition, it’s okay to have your attorney or a family member complete it for you.

4. Wait for your claim approval or appeal the decision

Finally, you continue treatment while your claim is processed. You’ll receive an approval or denial letter in most cases. If your claim is denied, you can appeal that decision. Your attorney can help you collect evidence of how your injuries are related to your job and encourage the workers’ compensation insurance provider to cover your injuries.

Sometimes, claim are denied because there isn’t enough information. You should include information on what happened, where it happened and what you were doing at the time. If you were driving to work when you crashed, that might not be a workers’ compensation injury, but suffering an injury while driving for your employer is. If you’re unsure if your claim denial was accurate, your Charlotte work comp lawyer can help you review the claim.