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What Is the Simplest Type of Workers’ Compensation Claim?

On Behalf of Christian Ayers
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Being involved in a workplace accident can be an intensely stressful situation. You may be seriously injured or confused about what to do next. Depending on your situation, you may qualify for workers’ compensation, and you may be wondering, “What is the simplest type of workers’ compensation claim?” If you have been involved in a workplace accident and are seeking compensatory damages, reach out to a Hickory workers’ compensation attorney today.

What is the simplest type of workers compensation claim?

The Simplest Type of Workers’ Compensation Claim

Applying for workers’ compensation in North Carolina can be a stressful situation all its own, which is why it is recommended that you consult with an experienced workers’ comp attorney. They can walk you through the process and ensure that you complete each step correctly. Don’t forget that your employer cannot legally fire you for filing for workers’ comp. If they do attempt to fire you, reach out to a workers’ comp attorney.

Workers’ compensation exists to provide injured workers with a financial safety net during their recovery period. Under North Carolina state law, most businesses that employ at least three employees are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to help secure the well-being of their employees’ health.

When applying for workers’ comp, the simplest type to claim usually involves medical expenses. Employees in North Carolina are entitled to medical treatment that is necessary to address their injuries. Depending on the severity of the injuries in question, your hospital care may be covered by your employer’s workers’ comp insurance.

What Can Be Covered?

The North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act (NCWCA) insists that businesses must carry workers’ compensation insurance, with some exceptions to the rule. Under the act, workers’ comp can help you recover many different kinds of accident-related damages if you qualify for them. These benefits can include:

  • Ongoing Healthcare: Not every workplace injury will be easy to recover from. Some can be quite detrimental to one’s health and could require ongoing care for the foreseeable future. The level of care needed for recovery will be determined by the accident victim’s primary physician. Workers’ comp, in certain cases, could potentially cover your physical therapy costs or other rehabilitation services that you may need.
  • Repetitive Stress Injuries: Some injuries can take time to fully reveal themselves, but they still count as workplace injuries. Developing carpal tunnel syndrome from frequent repetitive stress injuries is one such example. Workers’ comp can help cover your medical costs from these types of injuries as well as the sudden ones.
  • Lost Wages: Recovering from a workplace injury likely means that you are going to miss work and thus miss getting paid. Workers’ comp insurance can help you recoup any missed wages that you may have lost so that you can focus on your ongoing recovery.
  • Sudden Illness: Working in places where employees are constantly exposed to certain chemicals, allergens, or gasses can lead to prolonged illnesses that are brought on by the workplace. Workers’ comp can help cover the medical costs of fighting these illnesses, as they were contracted at work.
  • Funeral Arrangements: In the unfortunate event that a workplace accident leads to the death of an employee, workers’ comp insurance can help pay for some or all of the funeral costs, depending on the coverage.


Q: What Type of Workers’ Compensation Is the Most Common?

A: The most common type of cash benefit workers’ compensation that is received by employees is known as temporary partial disability (TPD). This type of workers’ compensation is paid out to the injured employee when their injury is so severe and ongoing that they are unable to return to their previous job. Many receivers of TPD benefits do eventually recover and return to their previous job. Others have to adapt to a new position, which may pay less than their previous one.

Q: What Kinds of Accidents Are Not Covered Under Workers’ Comp Insurance?

A: The only kinds of accidents that are almost always not covered by workers’ comp insurance are intentional acts and illegal activities. If you are engaging in horseplay or performing your job while intoxicated, any injuries that happen to you are largely considered your own fault and are not covered under workers’ comp insurance. If you are engaged in illegal activities at the workplace and those activities lead to an accident, it is again considered your own fault, and the company is not liable.

Q: How Much Is Workers’ Comp in North Carolina?

A: The average cost of workers’ comp insurance in North Carolina is around $52 per month. This number is determined by various factors, including:

  • The cost of payroll
  • The location of your workplace
  • Your company’s history of pre-existing claims
  • The industry as it exists today
  • The risk factor involved at your workplace
  • The number of employees who work at your business

The number can be higher or lower, depending on the company you work for.

Q: What Kind of Situation Qualifies a Worker for Workers’ Compensation Coverage?

A: Any number of situations could qualify a worker for workers’ compensation coverage, so long as that situation falls under the parameters established by the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act. Basically, if you are severely injured at work for whatever reason, apart from an intentional injury, you will likely qualify for your company’s workers’ comp insurance. It will likely cover your medical expenses and your lost wages. Depending on your company’s insurance, it may cover more for you.

Reach Out to an Experienced Workers’ Comp Lawyer Today

Suffering an accident in the workplace can be the beginning of a long, drawn-out situation that might make you feel like the bad guy for trying to protect yourself. It may be wise to contact a workers’ comp lawyer if only to put your mind at ease. An attorney can assure you that you are only doing what you need to do to secure your financial future during your recovery.

The legal team at Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler is prepared to help you develop your case or simply offer some much-needed advice. Contact us to schedule a consultation as soon as you can.