If you are pregnant with your first child, you may well have concerns about the labor and delivery process and what you and your baby will go through during it. You may also have niggling worries about the possibility of birth injuries.
You will be glad to know that, per the Birth Injury Guide, 97% of U.S. births occur without any problems or difficulties whatsoever. For the remaining 3% of babies, the birth injury or injuries they receive usually are temporary in nature and resolve themselves with little or no medical intervention.
Most common birth injuries
The most common birth injuries include the following:
Your baby could also suffer temporary facial paralysis on one side of his or her face if (s)he sustains too much pressure on the facial nerves during delivery and they become bruised. The bruising and therefore the paralysis should resolve itself within a few weeks. If the nerves became torn, however, (s)he may require surgery.