North Carolina employees work hard and might feel stress because of their jobs. Some employees may feel like their job stress is starting to impact their ability to live their lives. If you are an employee facing work-related stress that’s affecting your health, it’s important to consult an experienced attorney who can help you decide whether to pursue a claim for workers’ comp for mental health in North Carolina.
Workers’ compensation exists as a no-fault recovery method for insurance benefits designed to protect those employees who are injured or suffered from an illness doing work-related activities. If you were hurt in the course of your job duties, you might be able to file a claim for workers’ compensation.
Work-related stress can impact employees in many ways, such as:
If your work-related stress has started to affect your ability to work, it’s important to consider filing a stress claim at work.
If you’re experiencing stress at your job, you can discuss what’s been happening with your manager or your Human Resources department. They typically document your claim for work-related stress, and they often can provide helpful supplemental resources.
Once you’ve filed a claim for work-related stress, you can visit a medical professional. Your primary care doctor can discuss your stress and its impact on your physical health. Your primary care doctor can create a treatment plan for managing your work-related stress, or they may refer you to another doctor.
It’s critical to keep track of the costs for all of the treatments you receive for your stress. If you end up filing a claim for workers’ compensation, this information can help. Also, you may need to prove that your medical provider is helping to manage your work-related stress and mental health concerns. To file a claim for workers’ compensation, you can:
It can be difficult in North Carolina to get a claim for workers’ compensation approved based on your mental health or work-related stress unless you can provide compelling evidence to support that your condition was caused by a work-related accident or workplace environment. Filing for mental stress alone typically has not been sufficient.
Of note, an attorney familiar with work-related claims can help you present evidence to support your workers’ comp claim. They can also help you submit a justifiable work-related stress claim at your job.
Attorneys can provide invaluable legal assistance, especially if:
If you need help with a mental health workers’ compensation case, an attorney with experience handling this type of case can help. An attorney at Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler can discuss your claim and support you throughout the process of resolving your case. Contact us for a free initial evaluation.
A: For a Workers’ Compensation Claim in North Carolina that’s related to mental health, you can report the issue to your employer, seek appropriate care from a qualified mental health professional, and prove that your issue is work-related. Claims are routinely denied when they’re exclusively focused on workplace stress. If you can show your job-related stress is related to a physical injury, your claim may have a higher likelihood of success.
A: In North Carolina, many employees are eligible for benefits from workers’ compensation if their company employs at least three employees. Regardless of your immigration status, if you are injured on the job, you’re typically eligible for benefits, although certain exceptions exist in certain situations.
Companies that fail to provide benefits to eligible employees can face serious penalties and consequences. If you believe you’re eligible and were denied benefits, contact a trusted Charlotte attorney to discuss your legal options.
A: If you were denied workers’ comp benefits for a mental health concern and you disagree with the decision, you can contact an experienced attorney for help preparing an appeal. To appeal a benefits decision regarding mental health, you can prepare and file an NCIC Form 33. Remember, if you can link your job-related mental health concern to a physical injury, your claim is more likely to be successful.
A: For proof of your mental health concern and to link it to an underlying injury on the job, you can gather evidence to bolster your claim, like medical records, witness statements, accident reports, and more. It’s important to gather evidence demonstrating a stressful work environment and hazardous conditions to support your claim.
You’ll likely have a more successful workers’ comp claim if you have connected the underlying incident to your current mental health concerns.
If you need help with a workers’ comp claim concern, the skilled attorneys at Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler can provide candid and helpful legal assistance. Contact Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler right away to set up a free initial consultation to discuss your workers’ comp claim for mental health.