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Charlotte Death Claims Attorney

Charlotte Death Claims Attorney

From John’s interview for the Masters of Workers’ Compensation series on

Losing a friend or family member to wrongful death is one of the most painful and devastating experiences anyone can go through. The idea that an individual has died for no reason and at the hands of a negligent party is unfathomable. Unfortunately, many families find themselves coping with unnecessary heartache and suffering because of the negligent or intentional actions of others.

The loss that occurs in wrongful death is more than just grieving the loss of life. It can leave survivors grappling with an overwhelming number of questions and complicated legal proceedings. If you have lost a loved one through wrongful death, you may be left wondering how to go about seeking justice. When these scenarios occur, wrongful death claims are often filed to hold negligent parties accountable. If you find yourself grappling with this issue, you need an experienced Charlotte death claims attorney by your side.

Death Claims Attorneys Representing the Charlotte, NC Area

At the law firm of Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler, our Charlotte death claim lawyer have the experience to handle all kinds of personal injury claims, including those resulting from preventable fatalities. We have over 40 years of combined legal experience and have helped countless families obtain justice for their lost loved ones.

We understand the gravity of wrongful death claims and how they can impact a family. Whether you have lost a son or daughter, a husband or wife, or any other family member to wrongful death, we understand the level of devastation you are contending with. We take our job seriously and strive to offer the best legal representation possible to grieving families. Wrongful death claims are no laughing matter, and our law firm would never take advantage of your vulnerability and grief. We take the time to listen and to learn exactly what you hope to gain from filing a claim.

Our law firm is not afraid to take any case to trial, but our goal is always to negotiate with insurance companies so that you can be compensated for your loss. Insurance companies do not want to pay the full value of your claim, but we are well-versed in dealing with them. Our Charlotte death claims attorney will work tirelessly to ensure that you receive a fair settlement.

What Is a Wrongful Death Claim?

Any time a death becomes the result of another person’s negligence or intentional wrongdoing, it is defined as wrongful.

This broad definition means that a wrongful death can occur in a variety of settings. Car accidents, medical malpractice, construction accidents, workplace incidents, defective products, and drunk driving are all examples of a wide variety of situations that could lead to a wrongful death.

If negligence or malpractice contributed to your loved one’s death, you might consider filing a wrongful death claim against them. A civil court trial will likely be required to determine liability. If the negligent party is found responsible for your loved one’s death, you may receive financial compensation for the losses you have suffered. No amount of money can ever compensate you fully for your loss, but it can help ease some financial burden and help you move forward with your life.

The Most Common Types of Wrongful Death Claims

There are six basic types of wrongful death claims that may pertain to your situation:

  • Medical Malpractice: If a medical professional’s actions or the lack of action led to a wrongful death, a medical malpractice claim may be appropriate.
  • Dangerous or Defective Products: If your loved one died as a result of using a dangerous or defective product, you may be able to file a claim with the manufacturer or seller.
  • Construction Accidents: If a construction accident led to a wrongful death, a claim may be possible against a construction company, engineer, or contractor.
  • DUI Accidents: If a driver was behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, resulting in someone’s death, then their family may be able to file a wrongful death claim against them.
  • Workplace Accidents: If your loved one died as a result of a workplace accident, their employer may be held accountable for the death. This could lead to a wrongful death claim against your loved one’s employer.
  • Wrongful Death During Criminal Activity: If your loved one died as a result of criminal activity, the perpetrator could be held accountable for wrongful death.

If you have suffered the loss of a loved one in any type of accident or incident, you need to speak with an attorney. Our Charlotte wrongful death lawyers are prepared to assist you in seeking the justice you need and deserve.

What To Do After a Wrongful Death in Charlotte, NC

A wrongful death can cause a family to unravel. Even if you are an adult, losing a loved one to wrongful death can leave you feeling alone and overwhelmed. It is crucial to take certain steps after your loved one has suffered a wrongful death. You should take note of the day, time, and cause of death. Keep track of everything that is said to you by the police and the media. Also, take note of the expenses linked with the death. Be sure to work with an attorney to prepare your wrongful death claim and to see it through to a favorable outcome.

Who Is Able to File a Wrongful Death Claim in Charlotte, North Carolina?

In most cases, a wrongful death claim can be pursued by the personal representative of your loved one’s estate. This may include a spouse, a child, a parent, or the executor of their estate. You must have a legal claim to file a wrongful death claim and prove that your loved one’s death was a direct result of the negligent party’s actions. We can help you to determine whether you have a legal claim and how to follow through with a wrongful death claim.

The Importance of Filing a Claim After an Accident that Led to a Wrongful Death

It is extremely important to file a wrongful death claim as soon as possible. After an accident that causes the wrongful death of another person, many insurance companies will contact you. They may encourage you to file a claim in an attempt to resolve the matter without going through litigation. Before accepting any offers, discuss your case with a Charlotte death claims attorney. It is important not to settle out of court when you have the option to file a wrongful death claim.

The result of a wrongful death lawsuit can be affected by how long you wait to file your claim. Evidence can grow stale, and memories may fade, making it more difficult to prove your case or win a jury trial. You cannot pursue compensation for the wrongful death of your loved one without filing a claim.

How Do I Know If I Have Grounds for Filing a Wrongful Death Claim Against Someone Else?

Many factors go into determining if you have grounds for a wrongful death claim. We can help you to build your case and decide whether filing a wrongful death claim is the right step forward.

First, you must be related to the person who died to file a wrongful death claim. If your loved one did not have a family member who could file the wrongful death claim, it may be possible for you to file on their behalf. Second, the death must have occurred as a result of someone else’s wrongdoing or negligence. The wrongful act that contributed to your loved one’s death must also have been intentional or unintentional. This can be difficult to prove, so it is often helpful to work with an experienced attorney who is well-versed in wrongful death law. Third, you must prove that the wrongful death has caused you financial hardship. This can be a convoluted process, especially if your loved one was the primary provider for your family.

We can help you to understand how your financial circumstances play into a wrongful death claim and assist you in moving forward with one if it is a viable option. Compensation for a wrongful death loss may be available to you and your family, but it is important that you take action as quickly as possible.

Why Should I Hire an Attorney for my Wrongful Death Case?

When your loved one has died unexpectedly, the last thing you should have to worry about is how to file a claim and see it through. Filing a wrongful death claim can be a lengthy and complicated process, requiring many steps to complete the process. Consulting with an experienced Charlotte death claims lawyer can help you determine if your loved one’s death resulted from negligent behavior and whether you can file a claim. Our death claim lawyers in Charlotte, NC will work diligently to ensure that you receive your rightful compensation.

Various Forms of Compensation Available in a Charlotte Wrongful Death Case

    A wrongful death claim may result in a financial settlement. This money can help to compensate you and your family for the following:

  • Loss of income: If your loved one was the family’s primary earner, their sudden death may have left you with a loss of income. Their lifetime earnings can be calculated to determine what they would have earned had they lived to the full extent of their life expectancy. This can help you keep your loved one’s financial contributions in perspective and receive a fair and accurate settlement.
  • Funeral expenses: If your loved one was killed due to another person’s negligence, their funeral expenses might be covered by the responsible party. If you were given an estimate of your loved one’s expenses, you could use this to help determine what you are owed.
  • Lost benefits: If your loved one was killed due to another person’s negligence, their life insurance, retirement savings, or social security benefits may be available to you.
  • Loss of love and companionship: One of the most significant losses that a family can suffer is losing a loved one. If you have suffered the death of a spouse, child, or parent due to another person’s negligent behavior, you may be entitled to compensation for your loss.
  • Emotional suffering: If your loved one’s death has negatively impacted you, you may be entitled to compensation. This will depend upon the circumstances of your case and the impact that your loved one’s death has had on you.
  • Expenses linked with medical bills: If your loved one’s death was sudden and unexpected, you may be faced with many medical bills related to their treatment and care. Any expenses related to your loved one’s death should be included in the settlement amount.
  • Lost opportunities: The death of a parent may leave children without support when they enter college or when they are ready to purchase a home. The death of a spouse may leave the other partner in a precarious legal and financial position. If any of these scenarios are true, they may be included in the settlement amount.

No amount of money can ever take away your pain or bring your loved one back. However, it can help you to move forward with your life and begin to heal. It can provide the security your loved one would want you to have during this challenging time.

Representation from an Experienced Charlotte Death Claims Attorney

If you are unsure how to proceed after your loved one’s wrongful death, you should consult with an experienced Charlotte death claims lawyer. Our attorneys will listen to you and work with you to understand your needs. We will ensure that your case is adequately documented and presented in a way that obtains the maximum financial compensation possible.

We have been in business for more than 40 years and have the knowledge, skill, and resources necessary to take on insurance companies on your behalf. Our lawyers have won numerous court cases, proving that we are fully capable of handling any case to trial if necessary.

If you would like more information on our services, please do not hesitate to contact us online. Our compassionate team can help you understand your next steps.

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