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Charlotte Depression and Anxiety Lawyer

Depression And Social Security Disability

Depression and anxiety can take a tremendous toll on a person’s ability to lead the life they would if they were not suffering from those conditions. So many things that people take for granted can become impossible to accomplish. Simply leaving the house may be too much for someone suffering from severe depression or anxiety.

When someone is suffering from such severe depression or anxiety, holding a job is not realistically possible. Intense fear, panic attacks and crying spells are challenges that workers suffering from depression or anxiety may experience. Unfortunately, few employers can accommodate such issues.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits can provide welcome financial support to those who are no longer able to work because of depression or anxiety. Having a skilled and experienced Charlotte Depression and Anxiety Lawyer there to help you pursue the benefits you need.

Let Us Help You Secure The Social Security Disability Benefits You Deserve

At Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler, we understand the challenges that are faced by those suffering from severe depression or anxiety. These issues can easily prevent people from being able to hold jobs and earn the income they need to support themselves. Attorney Robert A. Whitlow brings more than 35 years of experience helping people through the process of securing SSDI benefits. His depth of knowledge of what the Social Security Administration is looking for in a successful claim for mental disability benefits allows him to offer real hope to his clients.

To find out more about how we have helped our clients, review our client testimonials.

Contact The North Carolina Anxiety Lawyers Of Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler

If you are unable to work because of depression or anxiety in Charlotte, NC, trust your case to a Charlotte Depression and Anxiety Lawyer with a record of success. The Charlotte Depression and Anxiety attorneys of Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler can help you effectively pursue the compensation you need. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Charlotte depression attorneys, call 704-594-4317 or contact us online.

We accept cases on a contingent fee basis. We only collect attorney fees if we obtain benefits for you.

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