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Charlotte Lump Sum Settlement Lawyer

Charlotte Lump Sum Settlement Attorney

At some time during your workers’ compensation claim, the insurance company may offer a lump-sum settlement. The settlement offered may take the form of a one-time cash payment or a structured settlement. If you accept this offer, the insurance company’s responsibilities to you will end, including your medical benefits.

For some injured workers, it can make sense to accept a lump-sum settlement. Others are better off keeping their workers’ compensation claims open so they can continue to receive benefits. Before you make a decision, you should obtain legal advice from a trusted Charlotte Lump Sum Settlement Lawyer.

An Experienced Adviser And Advocate For Injured Workers

Attorney John F. Ayers III at the law firm of Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler has been representing injured workers in workers’ compensation cases since 1986. Recognized by North Carolina Law and Politics magazine as one of the leading workers’ compensation attorneys in our state, Mr. Ayers has the legal knowledge and analytical skills needed to guide you to the right decision. Let us put our experience and knowledge to work for you.

Should You Accept A Lump-Sum Settlement?

The decision to accept a lump-sum settlement involves many complex considerations. The amount of the settlement is certainly important, but this has to be considered in the light of other factors, including:

  • The nature of your injury
  • Whether you have truly reached the point of maximum medical recovery
  • Your age
  • Your skills and employability
  • The possible need for a Medicare set-aside

John F. Ayers III will carefully review your situation and recommend your best course of action. If necessary, he can take action to keep your workers’ compensation claim open or seek an increase in the amount of the settlement.

Free Consultation With A Charlotte Lump Sum Settlement Lawyer

Contact Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler to learn more about work injury settlements. We serve clients throughout North Carolina from our offices in Charlotte.

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