Mental and emotional health issues can play a major role in impairing one’s ability to successfully carry out the duties a job requires. If you or someone you love is experiencing mental or emotional health issues, and is unable to work because of them, disability benefits may be available through the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program.
SSDI, also known as SSD, offers assistance to those who are no longer able to work because of a disabling condition. There are a wide range of conditions that a person can receive SSDI benefits for. Mental and emotional health issues can be qualifying conditions.
The key to a successful SSD claim lies in securing a diagnosis from a treating psychiatrist or psychologist. The Social Security Administration is very particular about not only what information it requires, but also how it is presented. Some estimates place the percentage of initial SSD applications that are rejected at over 60 percent. Attorney Robert A. Whitlow understands how to help your doctor present the information necessary for a successful claim, such as does your mental health issue affect your ability to:
At Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler, we know how important it can be for our clients to secure the SSDI benefits they need. With no other source of income, SSDI benefits can provide a degree of financial stability that people would otherwise lack. Attorney Robert A. Whitlow has been helping people navigate the SSD process since 1979. He understands how to build a strong application and how to successfully navigate the appeals process for those who have been denied.
We assist clients with all manner of mental disabilities, including:
To find out more about how we have helped our clients, review our client testimonials.
If you or a loved one is unable to work due to mental health issues in Charlotte, NC, trust your case to a Charlotte Mental Disability Lawyer with a record of success. The Charlotte Mental Disability attorneys of Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler can help you effectively pursue the compensation you need. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Charlotte Mental Disability Lawyer, call 704-594-4317 or contact us online.
We accept cases on a contingent fee basis. We only collect attorney fees if we obtain benefits for you.