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Charlotte Slip And Fall Injury Lawyer

Best Charlotte Slip And Fall Injury Lawyer

Charlotte Slip And Fall Injury Attorney

From John’s interview for the Masters of Workers’ Compensation series on

Slip-and-fall and trip-and-fall accidents are common in the workplace. While most of these accidents lead to more embarrassment than physical harm, a fall can cause serious injury that can result in significant doctor bills and missed time at work. An experienced Charlotte slip and fall injury lawyer can help discuss your injuries and maximize your recovery after an accident. An attorney can explain how to file a claim and help protect your legal rights during the process.
At Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler in Charlotte, North Carolina, our lawyers are skilled at helping injured workers recover the benefits they are due from our state’s workers’ compensation program for all types of workplace accidents. We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your case, and we can provide reliable legal advice based on your unique workplace accident.

Slip-And-Fall Accidents In The Workplace

Slip-and-fall accidents can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes people fall simply because they were in a hurry and forgot to look where they were going. In other cases, falls are caused by negligence, such as a slippery substance that was spilled on a floor, a tripping hazard in a traffic area, or a loose carpet.

Employers have a legal obligation to keep work areas safe and to actively take steps to prevent slip-and-fall accidents. If you were hurt at work, you can typically file a workers’ compensation claim for your injuries. Workers’ compensation is insurance coverage that provides financial assistance to workers if they are injured at work.

Workers’ compensation provides benefits regardless of who was at fault. As long as the accident occurred on the job, you are entitled to benefits, such as medical care and a weekly disability benefit, for as long as you are unable to work or can only work part-time.

Employee Protection

In exchange for providing workers’ compensation benefits, employers are generally protected from employee claims for slip-and-fall accidents. However, if the accident was caused by the negligence of someone other than your employer or someone who works for your employer, you may also be able to file a personal injury claim against the negligent party. These are known as third-party claims.

Examples of third parties in slip-and-fall accidents include:

  • The property owner at a construction site
  • Another company you visit on the job
  • A business or personal residence

As your attorneys, we will evaluate all possible sources of compensation for your injury.

North Carolina Employers Must Maintain a Safe Workplace and Prevent Falls

In North Carolina, employers have a responsibility to adhere to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and regulations to make sure their employees have and use tools and equipment that are safe and properly maintained. Employer responsibilities to prevent falls include:

  • Recognizing fall risks and hazards in the workplace
  • Giving appropriate protection equipment to attempt to prevent falls, such as guardrails, safety nets, and safety harnesses
  • Keeping work surfaces clean and dry
  • Making sure employees are trained on appropriate fall protection plans and procedures

If you’ve been hurt in a slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accident, you can typically pursue a workers’ compensation claim.

How to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Charlotte, NC

If you were hurt at work, report your injury right away at work and get medical care immediately. Your employer can provide you with information about where to get medical treatment to preserve a workers’ comp claim.

You can then file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits with the North Carolina Industrial Commission (NCIC). This North Carolina agency services claims and ensures employees are treated fairly under the law. You can file a Notice of Accident to Employer and Claim of Employee, (an NCIC Form 18). The Industrial Commission can also help answer general questions about North Carolina workers’ compensation claims.

A skilled Charlotte Slip-And-Fall Injury Lawyer at Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler can also assist with preparing this form. For additional helpful information, explore the information found on the North Carolina Industrial Commission website for workers’ compensation claims. Information about eligibility for claims and the steps to take to file a claim are provided.

If Your Workers’ Comp Claim Is Denied, You Can Start the Appeal Process

If you file a workers’ compensation claim for a slip-and-fall accident and the claim is denied, you have a right to appeal an outcome you disagree with.

To appeal a decision, you can prepare an NCIC Form 33, which asks for a hearing. If that appeal is ultimately unsuccessful, you have 15 days thereafter to file another form, an NCIC Form 44, which requests a three-judge panel to review the benefits decision.  If you disagree with the panel’s decision, you can then file an appeal with the North Carolina Court of Appeals.

An experienced Charlotte Slip-And-Fall Injury attorney can provide reliable legal help throughout the appeal process and can prepare the paperwork needed to file your appeal(s). Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler, has helped clients just like you with denial appeals, and we can tailor our advice to your unique circumstances.

Contact Our Charlotte Slip And Fall Injury Lawyers – Free Consultations

If you suffered a serious injury from a slip-and-fall or trip-and-fall accident at work, trust your case to the attorneys of Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler. call 704-594-4317 or contact us online. We accept workers’ compensation cases on a contingent fee basis. We only collect attorney fees if we obtain benefits for you. To schedule a free initial consultation with one of our Charlotte attorneys, contact our Charlotte office today.

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