Truck drivers can potentially suffer serious job-related injuries from accidents on the road, and they may develop medical conditions due to driving for extended periods of time on a daily basis. If you have been hurt while working, you need to speak with a Hickory truck driver workers’ compensation lawyer to determine your most viable recovery options. Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler can help you make sense of your legal situation.
The attorneys at Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler have decades of experience handling all types of workers’ compensation cases for clients working in all industries. It’s possible for truck drivers to be injured in accidents, and workers’ compensation insurance can be a valuable avenue of recovery after such an event. This insurance can also provide compensation for job-related medical conditions that develop gradually over time.
If you were hurt in a truck driving accident, or if you have been diagnosed with any medical condition that you believe is a direct result of you doing your job, a Hickory truck driver workers’ compensation lawyer is the ideal resource to consult when it comes to determining your recovery options. Our firm can help you file a workers’ compensation claim and pursue as much compensation as possible to help you recover.
North Carolina law requires almost every employer in every industry to have workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance applies to any injury suffered on the job or as a result of performing one’s job duties. Once a worker suffers an injury or they are diagnosed with a job-related medical condition, they must report it to their employer right away so they can start the claim filing process.
Workers’ compensation insurance carriers often try to settle these claims for as little as possible. An employer may also dispute a claim, causing further problems for the injured worker. It is crucial to find an attorney who can gather the evidence and documentation you need to file your workers’ compensation claim and resolve any disputes that arise. You may also have grounds to file a third-party personal injury case that could enhance your recovery.
If you are successful with your workers’ compensation case, it’s possible to recover compensation for your medical expenses, both immediate and future, as well as limited compensation for your lost wages if you are not able work while you recover from your injuries. Disability benefits can be paid on a partial or total basis, depending on the claimant’s capacity to work after their injury.
If a third party is directly responsible for causing your injury, your attorney can help you file a third-party personal injury case against them to seek additional compensation. This case could allow you to recover compensation for damages that workers’ compensation insurance won’t cover, such as your pain and suffering.
Ultimately, the aftermath of a truck driving accident in Hickory can be difficult to resolve, and you need an experienced legal advocate on your side to reach the optimal conclusion to your case.
The attorneys at Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler know the challenges you are likely to encounter in your workers’ compensation claim and a third-party personal injury suit if you are eligible to file one. Reach out to our Hickory Truck Driver Workers’ Compensation attorneys at your first opportunity to learn how we can help you recover.
A: You can only sue your employer for a truck driving injury in Hickory if they do not have workers’ compensation insurance or under very specific conditions. For example, if your employer did not follow applicable trucking industry regulations in a way that contributed to your accident, they can be held liable for the resulting damages. Your Hickory truck driver workers’ compensation lawyer can explain any such variables in your case.
A: No, workers’ compensation insurance does not cover pain and suffering. In North Carolina, workers’ compensation insurance can cover all of the medical expenses resulting from a work-related injury and provide limited compensation for the victim’s lost wages if they are unable to work while they recover. If the victim has grounds for a third-party personal injury case, they can claim pain and suffering compensation from the defendant.
A: The amount of compensation you can recover from workers’ compensation insurance typically includes the cost of all the medical care you require to recover from the injury, as well as the income you are unable to earn during recovery. Generally, workers’ compensation covers all medical expenses related to a workplace injury but will only cover a percentage of the injured workers’ lost wages.
A: You should hire a Hickory truck driver workers’ compensation attorney to increase your chance of success with your claim. Even if your employer is helpful and handles your claim in good faith, it is possible to encounter various complications with your employer and/or their insurance carrier. You may also have grounds for a third-party personal injury suit, in which case you will need an experienced attorney’s help to win.
A: Attorneys’ fees for a Hickory truck driver workers’ compensation lawyer can be a percentage of your total case award if you hire Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler to represent you. We take these cases on a contingency fee basis, so you will only be charged a fee if we win your case. If, for any reason, we are unable to obtain a recovery for our client, they pay nothing.
The attorneys at Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler are ready to help you recover from your truck driving injury in Hickory. You need to start building your case as quickly as possible after your accident to ensure you meet the filing deadline, so contact us today and schedule a free consultation with an experienced Hickory truck driver workers’ compensation attorney who can help you with your case.