Monroe Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Riding down the highway on a motorcycle is a freeing and exhilarating experience that keeps many Monroe, North Carolina riders hopping back on their bikes. With such a beautiful state to explore, it is hard to resist the urge to hit the road on two wheels. As most motorcyclists know, there is an inherent risk with riding. Although you may be an experienced and cautious rider, the unexpected can still happen. Because the physical structure of motorcycles leaves riders more exposed and vulnerable to injury, the consequences of being involved in an accident can be devastating.
Premiere Monroe Motorcycle Accident Lawyers
If you have been injured or killed in a motorcycle crash, you need an experienced Monroe motorcycle accident attorney on your side who understands the unique challenges that these cases present. At Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler, our Monroe motorcycle accident lawyers have years of combined experience helping motorcyclists and their families recover the compensation they need following a serious accident. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that a motorcycle accident can take on victims and their families. That is why we fight tirelessly on behalf of our clients to help them get the justice and compensation that they deserve. No matter how serious your injuries are, our personal injury law firm is here to help.
Why Do Motorcycle Accidents Happen?
Just like traditional motor vehicle accidents, there are many factors that can contribute to the cause of a motorcycle accident. Some of the most common include:
- Speeding: The posted speed limits are set for a reason—to keep drivers safe. Unfortunately, many drivers ignore these road rules, putting themselves and others at risk in the process. When speeding is a factor in a motorcycle accident, it can make what would have been a survivable accident much more serious or even deadly. Accidents caused by speeding can involve someone exceeding the limit on their motorcycle and crashing or a speeding car colliding with the motorcycle.
- Distracted driving: With so many distractions competing for our attention these days, it is no wonder that distracted driving has become such a serious problem on our roads and highways. From texting to talking on the phone, adjusting the radio, or simply not paying attention to the road, many things can take a driver’s focus off the task at hand. When this happens, it can easily lead to an accident.
- Driving under the influence: Drunk driving is a serious problem in North Carolina that puts everyone on the road at risk. When a driver chooses to get behind the wheel after drinking, they are putting not only their own lives in danger, but the lives of everyone else on the road as well. Drunk driving accidents often result in serious injuries or even death, and those who are found to be responsible can be held liable.
- Road hazards: While many road hazards are out of drivers’ control, some can be mitigated with proper maintenance and care. Things like potholes, debris in the road, and poor lighting can all contribute to an accident. In some cases, the entity responsible for maintaining the road may be liable. Some of these hazards put a motorcyclist in more danger than a traditional car driver, such as a large pothole that can cause a motorcycle to hit the ground and flip over, while a car would simply bounce.
- Fatigued driving: Fatigued driving is a serious problem that is often overlooked. When a driver is tired, their reaction time and decision-making skills are impaired, which can easily lead to an accident. Fatigued driving can have the same effects as drunk driving.
- Mechanical defects: In some cases, an accident may be caused by a mechanical defect with either the motorcycle or another vehicle involved. This could be as simple as a blown tire or faulty brakes that disrupt the driver’s ability to control the vehicle.
While so many factors can contribute to a motorcycle accident, one thing is certain—they often result in serious injuries for those involved. Understanding what caused the accident is important to help determine who may be held liable when advancing a claim for compensation.

What Are the Most Common Injuries Sustained in a Motorcycle Accident?
Motorcycle accidents often result in serious, life-altering injuries for those involved. Some of the most common include:
- Head injuries: These are some of the most serious that a person can sustain, often resulting in long-term or even permanent damage. Head injuries can range from concussions to traumatic brain injuries and can have a devastating effect on every aspect of a person’s life. These are often seen in motorcycle accidents where the rider is not wearing a helmet and has been thrown from their bike.
- Broken bones: Broken bones are another common injury seen in motorcycle accidents. These can range from simple fractures that heal with time, to compound fractures that require surgery to correct. In some cases, a bone may even pierce the skin, which can lead to infection.
- Lacerations: Lacerations, or cuts, are often seen in motorcycle accidents as well. These can be minor and require only a few stitches, or they can be much more serious, requiring surgery to correct. Some lacerations can also lead to nerve damage.
- Road rash: Road rash is a type of laceration where the skin is scraped off by the pavement, often leading to serious infection. In some cases, road rash can be so severe that it requires skin grafts to correct. This is why you will commonly see cyclists wearing long pants and leather jackets, even in the summer heat, to avoid road rash.
- Spinal cord injuries: Spinal cord injuries are some of the most serious injuries that a person can sustain, as they often result in paralysis. These injuries range from a simple sprain or strain to a complete severing of the spinal cord. Spinal cord injuries often occur when a rider is thrown from their motorcycle and lands on their back or neck.
- Internal bleeding: Internal bleeding can occur when an organ is punctured or when there is excessive bruising of the internal organs. Internal bleeding can be difficult to identify, as there are often no outward signs. This is why seeking medical attention after a motorcycle accident is so important, even if you feel fine.
What Should I Do If I Have Been Involved in a Motorcycle Accident?
If you have been involved in a motorcycle or car accident in Monroe, NC, there are some important steps that you should take to protect your legal rights:
- Seek medical attention: This is the most important thing that you can do after a motorcycle accident. Not only will this ensure that you receive the treatment that you need, but it will also create a record of your injuries. This medical record can be used as evidence in your personal injury claim.
- Report the accident: You should also report the accident to the police, even if it is a minor one. This will create an official record of the accident, which can be used as evidence in your case. Even if it seems like the crash was minor and the other stakeholders involved are not injured and are upset to make a report, it is still in your best interest to err on the side of caution and do so yourself.
- Gather evidence: You should also try to gather as much evidence at the scene of the accident as possible. This can include taking photos of the damage to your motorcycle, the other vehicles involved, and any injuries that you have sustained. You should also get the contact information of any witnesses who saw the accident. Their testimony can be very helpful in establishing liability.
- Speak to a motorcycle accident injury lawyer: Finally, you should speak to a motorcycle accident injury lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced lawyer can help you navigate the legal process, deal with an insurance company, and fight for the compensation that you deserve. There will be so much to do following a motorcycle accident. Having a personal injury lawyer on your side will take the stress out of the process.
How to Prove Liability in a Motorcycle Accident Claim
To win a motorcycle accident injury claim and earn a favorable settlement, you must prove that the other party involved was at fault for the accident. There are a few different ways to do this, but the most common is to show that the other party was negligent. To prove this, you will need to show that the other party:
- Owed you a duty of care: The first step is to show that the other party owed you a duty of care. In most cases, this will be easy to do, as all drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles safely. Evidence that the other party was on the road will usually be enough to establish this duty of care.
- Breached their duty of care: The next step is to show that the other party breached their duty of care. This can be done by showing that they were speeding, driving under the influence, or engaging in some other type of negligent behavior. This is where the evidence legally gathered at the accident scene will come in handy. For example, if the police report has documented that the other driver was speeding, this will go a long way in proving that they were negligent.
- Caused the accident: The next step is to show that the other party’s negligence caused the accident. An example could be video surveillance that showcases the other driver speeding and then crashing into your motorcycle. This will help to establish causation.
- Caused your injuries: You will need to show that the accident caused your injuries. This will usually involve presenting medical records and other documentation of your injuries and how they have affected your life. The more evidence you have of your injuries, the easier it will be to win compensation for them.
Once the court has established that the other party was at fault for the accident, they will then need to determine the amount of damages that you are entitled to. They will consider the severity of your injuries, how much you have lost in terms of wages and earning potential, and other factors. If you have suffered a serious injury, you may be entitled to a significant amount of compensation. Once the court has made its determination, you will find out how much you are entitled to.
Motorcycle Accident Attorney FAQs
Q: Who Is at Fault in Most Motorcycle Accidents?
A: Either the driver of the motorcycle or the driver of the other vehicle will be at fault in a motorcycle accident. To assess and apportion liability, the court will look at who was breaching their duty of care leading up to the accident. Various forms of evidence can point to who was at fault, such as eyewitness testimony, police reports, and video footage.
Q: What Are the Chances of Surviving a Motorcycle Accident?
A: The chances of surviving a motorcycle crash depend on the severity of the crash. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, riders are 29 times more likely to be killed in an accident than people who drive passenger cars. This discouraging statistic reinforces the need to follow recommended safety protocols when operating a motorcycle, such as wearing a helmet, to minimize the risk of death or serious injury.
Q: What Happens to Your Body in a Motorcycle Accident?
A: The human body is not built to withstand the force of a motorcycle accident. This can lead to many serious injuries, including broken bones, spinal cord damage, and traumatic brain injuries. In some cases, these injuries can be fatal. Wearing extra protective gear, such as a helmet and pads, can help to minimize the severity of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.
Contact Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler Today
If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, it is vital to contact a motorcycle accident law firm as soon as possible. The Monroe accident lawyers at Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler have years of experience handling motorcycle accident cases and will fight to get you the compensation that you deserve. Contact us today for a consultation and secure the legal representation you need.