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ERISA (Employment Retirement Income Security Act)

Helping People Recover Benefits

If you are covered under an employer-provided long-term disability plan, that plan is probably governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Known as ERISA, the act sets forth how long-term disability benefits are administered and how disputes are handled.

Our highly experienced Charlotte-based attorneys are familiar with long-term disability policies, ERISA claims and the complexities that go along with them. We regularly assist people through the process of applying for long-term disability benefits and can help you understand what your rights and options are.

Insurance Companies Are Not On Your Side

Insurance companies are driven by profits, not people, so they may deny your claim or limit your benefits unjustly. It is not uncommon for them to hire investigators to look for any evidence that can be used against you. Denials for long-term disability are common, but you are not without legal recourse.

We will work with you and your doctor to gather evidence that demonstrates the full extent of your disability as well as show that he or she followed the required guidelines set by law. We will then seek to have your benefits approved or reinstated through the appeal process. Our ERISA lawyers will be there every step of the way, from filing an administrative appeal to litigation, if necessary.

Legal Help Is Available

If your long-term disability claim has been denied, or if your benefits have been wrongfully terminated due to a recent medical development, you need a lawyer who will act swiftly to file an appeal on your behalf since certain deadlines will apply. Ayers, Whitlow & Dressler has a proven record of success and will guide you through the process of pursuing any compensation you may be entitled to. Call 704-594-4317 to schedule a free initial consultation or fill out our online form.


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